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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Wednesday Wrap-Up – Clinton Wins, Dems Take Senate

Image result for newsweek madame presidentI'm calling the election.

That's rignt, I'm part of the liberal elite that controls your life so I get to call the election before election day.  So do, apparently, our friends at Newsweek – who already shipped this week's magazine with President Clinton 2 on the cover in a special issue detailing her rise to power (which we had all planned out from the beginning, of course).  People are upset with Newsweek for calling it early but I called it way back in July for our Members:

Submitted on 2016/07/31 at 11:03 am

Something different – Yes, let's put a rich white guy in charge – that will really shake things up!  Do you really think people are that dumb?  Sure, some of them are (they form "the base") but, when push comes to shove, Trump is unelectable.  I don't expect to convince you of course, I said Romney would never win and, right up until election eve our Conservatives were still saying he would win.  Turned out Obama had 332 electoral votes to 202 for Romney – not even close.  


So which of these states is Trump going to turn?  AZ may go blue in fact and GA is iffy for the reds as well.  That's another 27 blue and let's say that the GOP has their best chances of flipping NV (6), CO (9), MI (16) and PA (20) – that would be 51 so, if they don't lose AZ and GA and they win all the marginals, that's 280 to 254 – even in a sweep they can't afford to lose a state.  I don't see how Trump can take Michigan and PA would be a big trick too.

That brings us back to Florida, which would come into play if it's close but the mistake the GOP is likely to make is spending too much time and effort trying to win Florida, when they really need PA and MI. 40% of Florida voters are black or hispanic – Trump would need to mend fences bigger than the wall he plans to build…

We'll see how the map officially ends up this evening but we've been making our bets on another Clinton Presidency all year – even the Conservatives because you may WANT Trump to win but you're not going to throw your money away betting on it, are you?

The fact that there are liberal elites that control the outcome of elections should make Conservatives happy because they WANT there to be an elite class that controls things so, even though it's the liberals that are in control – at least they are halfway there!  Fox News and Donald Trump were both a valiant effort to take control from the Liberals but, unfortunately, neither Roger Ailes or Donald Trump could keep their tiny hands to themselves.

Either way, Big Brother still loves you, even when it's Big Sister now and President Clinton 2 will have some fairly major crap to deal with over the next 8 years:


  • Infrastructure:  Remember how this country used to get excited about building roads and bridges and dams and utility projects.  They created millions of good-paying jobs and they left something of lasting value to the community around when they were finished.  Then we got the bills (and see Unfunded Pensions too), not to mention the repair bills to keep those fun projects in working order and, about 40 years ago – we pretty much stopped buildingall that stuff we did build is falling apart and needs to be replaced stuff.  That turned out to be a bad idea and now .  
  • Pensions:  Unfunded local Government pension liabilities have climbed from 70% of obligations in 2005 to 147% ($367Bn) in 2015 just when more and more retirees are are counting on them for their future.  While the amount itself is less than 5% of what we spent bailing out Wall Street – imagine the horror if the Republicans were in charge for Millions of retiring American workers and the economies they live in.  

For those who think right away that Chicago is the worst – you are right, they are – but the next 3 worst are very red states' Dallas, Phoenix and Houston.  On the whole though, it's just hundreds or municipalities that need $100M to $1Bn  and, rather than wring our hands over who did what wrong for the past 40 years – we can solve this with one check and be done with it.  If not: Pension crisis: Moody’s Issues A Dire Warning To States.  Which America do you want to live in?

Pension Burdens

Those are a few of the big ones that our next President has to deal with.  I did not include rounding up Muslims or building a gigantic wall (maybe under infrastructure?) to keep Mexicans from leaving the US (as they have been doing for years).  

Then there's inflation (it's coming) and Zika (as soon as it's warm again) and Russia is still a problem and Isis is still a thing and students have $2.5Tn of debt they can't pay back – gosh it's a good thing Americans were wise enough to elect an experienced leader who can hit the ground running on these things because we have a lot of work to do in this country and healing the divide after the election is only going to be step one.

Good luck to us all this evening!

– Phil



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