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Friday, July 26, 2024

Canary in a CrowdStrike

From "Business Blunders," a timely and entertaining newsletter by esteemed business writer, editor, and friend, Al Lewis. ~ Ilene Canary in a CrowdStrike Cybersecurity giant's blunder is a warning for the whole world Courtesy of Al Lewis, Business Blunders “A full-blown rollout from a security vendor to every...

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Canary in a CrowdStrike

From "Business Blunders," a timely and entertaining newsletter by esteemed business writer, editor, and friend, Al Lewis. ~ Ilene Canary in a CrowdStrike Cybersecurity giant's blunder...




JD Vance’s ‘Cat Ladies’ Riff Has Serious ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Vibes (shared)

You may have heard about JD Vance’s “childless cat ladies” riff. But even if you have, it’s worth revisiting the full quote — and reminding yourself of what it says about the movement that may wind up in charge of this country after this year’s election. In 2021, while running for the Senate, Vance …

Chicken wire, AI and mobile phones on sticks: how the drone war in Ukraine is driving a fierce battle of innovation

Drones are the signature technology of the Ukraine war. A few miniature aircraft designs were used in the war’s early days, but an incredible array …

The Gaza Conflict and Shifting Politics in Israel

The Gaza Conflict and Shifting Politics in Israel By Peter Zeihan *This video was recorded last week, prior to Peter departing on his backpacking trip. The conflict in...

New Amendment Would Prohibit Stock Buying By Congress Members

The ETHICS Act will come out of a markup meeting with the votes necessary to present the amendment for a vote. For 12 years, Sen. Jeff Merkley has …

China’s relationship with the US is in for a reckoning

For both US political parties, the US relationship with China is a hot priority. Attacks on China from lawmakers up and down the ballot have stepped …

Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the US Congress and receives a very mixed reception: expert Q&A

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, travelled to Washington this week for a series of high-level meetings. At the invitation of the …

US banks to begin reporting Russian assets for eventual forfeiture under new law

NEW YORK (AP) — The Treasury Department ordered the nation’s banking industry to start disclosing its holdings of Russian assets on Tuesday, with the goal of eventually seizing those billions of dollars in assets and selling them to aid the devastated Ukrainian economy. The disclosure is required …

Russia will be forced to scale down its attacks in a month and a half, Ukrainian commander says

Russia will be unable to maintain the scale of its attacks in multiple sectors for a long time because its "capabilities are not unlimited," General …

The moral bankruptcy of Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz

Two of Silicon Valley’s famous venture capitalists make the case for backing Trump: that their ability to make money is the only value that matters. Last week, the founders of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz declared their allegiance to Donald Trump in their customary fashion: talking about …

The Supreme Court Fools Itself

The Roberts Court has made the current crisis of American democracy perpetual. The Trumpist justices on the Supreme Court had a very serious problem: They needed to keep their guy out of prison for trying to overthrow the government. The right-wing justices had to do this while still attempting to …

Supreme Court ruling may put presidents above the law – but even kings never were

Many observers say a controversial U.S. Supreme Court decision from July 1, 2024, turns presidents into kings – but they underestimate how truly …

Biden dropped out − is the news media to blame?

For weeks in July 2024, a mix of journalists and academics lamented the news media’s relentless coverage of President Joe Biden’s age since his …

As Hamas war drags on, Israeli democracy weakens further

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to address a joint session of U.S. Congress on July 24, 2024, the nation he leads continues its …


If we want to settle on other planets, we’ll have to use genome editing to alter human DNA

When considering human settlements on the Moon, Mars and further afield, much attention is given to the travel times, food and radiation risk. We’ll …

Long COVID puzzle pieces are falling into place – the picture is unsettling

Since 2020, the condition known as long COVID-19 has become a widespread disability affecting the health and quality of life of millions of people …

Injectables for high blood pressure are in the works. Could they mean no more daily pills?

About one-third of adults have high blood pressure. Two-thirds of these have uncontrolled high blood pressure. A key driver of poor blood pressure …

‘The last 12 months have broken records like never before’: Earth exceeds 1.5 C warming every month for entire year

Every month has broken the temperature record of the previous for the past 12 months, and the signs of climate breakdown are already here, a new …

AI supercharges data center energy use – straining the grid and slowing sustainability efforts

The artificial intelligence boom has had such a profound effect on big tech companies that their energy consumption, and with it their carbon …

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