25.2 C
New York
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Thursday Thump???

This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
– Jim Morrison

[10pt LG econ forecast]Oh boy, it looks like another bad day in the markets!

Retail reports have been coming in less than stellar and we’re down significantly in pre-market trading as the anticipated stimulus package was voted down in the Senate.  The jobs numbers weren’t so bad with unemployment still around 335K with 400K considered "recessionary."  I said in yesterday’s post "show me the misses" and we got a big one from INX that’s going to hurt the SOX today along with yesterday’s bad guidance from CSCO but, on the whole, beats are outnubering misses 4:1 – what kind of recession is this?

Over in Asia, China is closed for New Year’s but the Nikkei actually gained 1% despite India dropping 3% on the day.  The ECB continued to focus on inflation fighting by holding rates steady as at least one Central Banker (Trichet) is a man of his word.  The BOE dropped rates down to 5.25%, still miles ahead of us as well as the ECB, who are holding the line at 4%.

DB’s earnings were NOT a disaster and the bank had no more write-downs to give!  No one cares but I do as this seems kind of significant to me.  UN made less than last year but beat estimates and raised guidance – yet another multinational who’s not seeing a recession and this too is being ignored.  French Telecom posted a 52% increase in profits and no one cares about that either, sentiment is an amazing thing…

I spent the morning running virtual portfolio reviews so that’s all I have time for here but let’s look for the open to be the bottom and we’ll call this day a win.  We are very covered and hoping to have reason to buy back some callers but hope is not a strategy so let’s all be careful out there!



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