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New York
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Tuesday Trump the Terrible Signs Death Warrant for Planet Earth

Image result for donald trump vaderToo political?  Well F you!  

Today, the lunatic in the White House will sign an executive order (no Congressional approval – just his own insane plan) to unravel the climate-change policies Barack Obama enacted in the hopes of saving the Planet Earth.  Oh, and fun fact for you Republican voters – WE LIVE ON PLANET EARTH!!!  

Now, I'm not asking you to believe in climate change.  I'm simply asking you to believe in logic. The Republicans like to say: "The science isn't conclusive" and let's say we accept the fact that your child has a high temperature that may prove fatal if it gets higher and 97 doctors you take him to say you need to IMMEDIATELY get his temperature down or he might die but 3 say – we don't know for sure it will kill him so let it run its course. 

So, what do you do?  Do you just let you child sweat and shiver and get worse and worse while you watch and do nothing or do you TRY to do something to make him or her better?  Well, Donald Trump just decided not only not to do anything but to stop every other parent on this planet from doing something.  In fact, although 97% of the scientists believe man-made carbon-dioxide is causing the problem – Donald J Trump (to be known as "Trump the Terrible – Destroyer of Earth" in our future) is also passing laws to INCREASE our production of CO2.  

Image result for rex tillerson signatureAs noted by Stephen Colbert, in that clip from 2014, Exxon (XOM) was a major force in the climate-denying movement and it is THEIR PAID SCIENTISTS that are the 3 out of 97 that deny climate change and, by the way, who signed their checks at the time – Rex Tillerson – our very own new Secretary of State, back when he was just the lowly CEO of Exxon.  

Image result for climate denialOf course it's not a "conspiracy" – it's simply a coincidence that the $100M Exxon donated to the GOP and to anti-climate PACS during Obama's Presidency alone led to the selection of their CEO to be the official foreign-policy negotiator for the United States – even as Exxon itself continues to fund climate-denial science and anti-climate candidates worldwide.  It's not just XOM, of course, most of the oil companies fund anti-climate agendas and for people like the Koch brothers, who make their money burning coal – it's their number one issue.  

As I noted above, my number one issue is my children and I care about their future.  I care about their future enough to do what I can to try to fix the damage we've done to the planet before it's too late.  And, even if I didn't believe it – I'm still not such an asshole that I would prevent other parents from saving their own children simply because it may inconvenience me slightly if they pass laws attempting to reign in the pollution we are clearly causing – whether it's destroying the planet or not.

Image result for climate denialOf course, it's not a minor inconvenience or a small expense to Tillerson and his friends at Exxon and Russia or to the Koch Brothers or other oil companies or companies that sell big trucks so moms can drive to the supermarket in a tank that gets 15 mpg.  To them it's most of their profits and that's why Billions and Billions of Dollars are available to anyone who will help them cling to their profit models and oh boy – did they hit the jackpot by putting this Government in power – they are rolling back 20 years of climate progress in 3 months!  

When I'm upset about a topic like this, I usually ask you to write to your Congressman but what's the point if your Congressman is a Republican?  Will they listen?  Will they stop taking checks from Big Oil?  And what does that even matter when we have a President who issues edicts that reverse regulations that were meant to protect us and our planet with a pen-stroke?  

Image result for inconvenient truthOn the whole, I'm just depressed and I'm venting.  I have been a skier my whole life, starting about 42 years ago, when I was 12 in 1975 and I have skied all over the World so I see with my own eyes how much less snow covers the mountains these days and I'm blessed (or cursed) to be educated enough to know that changes that drastic in this short of a time-period can't possibly be natural – it's all the evidence I need and I've KNOWN it for 20 years already.  

You don't have to care about saving your children or your grandchildren or the planet if you don't want to but PLEASE – don't stop my from trying to save mine.


– Phil



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