26.4 C
New York
Friday, July 26, 2024

Quick Thoughts

GM – Total disaster, see previous posts

AIG – any minute now someone will say “They made what?!?” Back to $75 for them.

GP – If, for some reason you can pick it up for less than $45, buy it and sell it for $47

GOOG – I am going to be glad to be off the hook on my call, I will wimp out the second it turns down too close to expirations to play games with $8 options.

GENZ – I am so happy I own this one!

BTU – Also a good play if energy moves up. Remember the Rule – Watch Valero for confirmation…

PFE – great efforts will be made to expire at $22.50 – if they blow that, then look for $30.

YELL and UPS will move up big – watch FDX for confirmation of direction (and, of course the transports).

If today is a good day, this will be a sensational week.

Good trading,

– Phil

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