21.2 C
New York
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Comment by snow

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  1. snow

    In the old days, people weren’t dying at 45 – if they made it that far, then 60s or even 80s was just as possible as today, maybe more so since they didn’t have lung cancer, emphysema, or type 2 diabetes (ie obesity) to take them out. What contributed to the low average life span were a couple of factors – high deaths in infancy and childhood, often from those disease we vaccinate against today….ever seen a pertussis or diptheria outbreak? I have, and it’s no fun. Second, adult women had a death rate much higher than today during childbirth. Finally, once we got cities, clean water became essential. None of this stuff is real high-tech medicine, but, boy, did it make a difference.
    ………………….snow, your friendly PSW epidemiologist

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