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Friday, July 26, 2024

We Can Stop Pretending Fox News is a Reputable Outlet Now

Any organization would be justified in revoking their media credentials after this.

By Charles P. Pierce, Esquire 

Some day, we will all finally tumble to the fact that the only way to survive here in the Age Of Morons is to laugh our way through whatever burlesque Armageddon comes next. And when that day comes, we are all going to look at Thursday, February 16, 2023 as a pivotal point in human—and humor’s—history. It was the day that the masquerade finally ended, that Fox News was finally exposed as the empty fraud it always has been, and that Dominion Voting Systems delivered its mightiest blow in defense of journalism and the American republic.

At the moment, DVS is suing Fox News for defamation to the tune of $1.6 billion, which is a lovely melody indeed. The basis for the suit is that FNC’s on-air hosts trafficked in wicked untruths about Dominion’s machines in the attempt to convince the country that the former president* was cheated out of his great victory in 2020. As part of this enterprise, Dominion obtained some internal Fox texts and emails and, on Thursday, these were shared with the waiting world and, well, wowser. From the Washington Post:

“Sidney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson wrote to a producer about the Trump lawyer, who once claimed in a guest spot that voting technology companies “flipped” Trump votes to Biden. “Terrible stuff damaging everybody,” wrote company founder Rupert Murdoch, about wild claims raised by Powell and fellow Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani. The recipient of his note, Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott, agreed. In another message, Murdoch referred to the claims as “really crazy stuff” and said that it was “very hard to credibly claim foul everywhere.” And of Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, Fox’s prime-time roster seemed to share a common opinion during these fraught weeks. He’s “acting like an insane person,” wrote Sean Hannity, star of the network’s 9 p.m. show, while his 10 p.m. colleague Laura Ingraham concurred: “Such an idiot.”

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