21.5 C
New York
Monday, June 17, 2024

Back in the Comfort Zone

This is hilarious. Selling clothes on Second Life – one of our readers/contributors sells buildings, and I’m sure he’d teach me to design virtual clothes if I begged him (right? Elliott). – Ilene

Back in the Comfort Zone

Courtesy of Tim Knight at Slope of Hope

Ahhhh, my Aeron chair. My 30 inch monitor. My three displays. I am at peace again.

Much of my vacation was spent reading technical analysis books. I’m a die-hard, I admit it. Part of the reason is that I have my final CMT test on the 25th, and I’ve got to really start hitting the books. I went through Prechter’s classic Elliott Wave book cover to cover, and I read Constance Brown’s book from 1998 (from which I derived only one good thing – – – a newfound interest in Gann, about which I know virtually nothing, but I intend to learn as much as I can muster).

I’ve been doing a deep-dive on Fibonacci, and there are all kinds of things I want to add to ProphetCharts based on my reading. I’m a pretty crummy student, but I’m really trying to learn as much as I can and concentrate on the material, since sometimes it is pretty dense.

I’d love to stay up all night looking at charts, but after a day full of traveling, I think I’m spent.



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