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New York
Friday, February 7, 2025

Roubini And Jim O'Neill Spar On Greece, China And Man U

Courtesy of Tyler Durden

If there is one topic that has been beaten to death, reincarnated, then Friend-o’ed three more times by everyone in desperate need of a Google hit or a TV appearance, it is Greece and China (and also Manchester United if you live in the UK). This will not stop us from presenting this FT clip, in which Goldman’s Jim O’Neill and Nouriel Roubini spar over the Greek bailout and the Chinese economy (and, you guess it, Man U). Guess who is the optimist and who is the pessimist. For the most part a bland recreation of each pundit’s party line, although we do appreciate Roubini’s reminder that the immediate catalyst responsible for the 20% Black Monday drop (at a time when the market was poised on a precipice much as it is today) was a topic near and dear to everyone: the announcement of a trade war.

"20 years ago we had a large trade deficit with Japan and Germany. The dollar was weakening but the Germans and Japanese were resisting, and the US got angry. And the US Secretary of the Treasury Baker got on TV on Sunday and said if you don’t let if move we are going to retaliate. The next day the stock market crashed 20%."

Are the starts aligning for a repeat appearance of just such a crash, especially as the US has mere days left in which to brand China a currency manipulator?

Full clip after the jump.



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