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Friday, July 26, 2024

Before the deluge

Before the deluge

Courtesy of Allan 

A great Jackson Browne song, before the deluge is what the following S&P weekly chart is suggesting may be the resolution of the past five months of pathetic sideways price movement: 

Note the sideways pattern in mid-2007 lasting from August to December. The resolution was a 50% haircut in the SPX.   Fast forward to 2010 and we see a similar sideways pattern lasting an almost identical 5 months.  Notice how the SPX Trend Model remained SHORT in both instances, early in both and in retrospect, quite handy in the wake of prices eventually breaking down in late 2007.

The window is open for a repeat performance.  [However]

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

Allan’s “Trend Following Trading Model,” is based on his trend-following trading system for buying and selling stocks and ETFs. Most trades last for weeks to months. Allan’s offering PSW readers a special 25% discount. Click here.  For more details, read this introductory article.


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