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Monday, June 17, 2024

Institutional Fascism (What Troubles Me Most About the Fraudclosure Crisis)

Institutional Fascism! (What Really Troubles Me Most About the Fraudclosure Crisis)

Courtesy of williambanzai7

"I shall create my own title for myself in my name itself." — Adolf Hitler

I know I will be accused of engaging in dangerous hyperbole for making this comparison. How can he compare Nazism to 2 Big 2 Fail bank fraudclosures.  To those who think so, I respectfully disagree.

Almost a century ago, the world faced a social/financial Armageddon never seen before. The evil dictator who emerged from that maelstrom operated under a simple slogan: "And in the last analysis, success is what matters"– Adolf Hitler. That evil virus went on to slaughter millions of innocents under the simple mantra: the ends justify the means.

I am not implying that we are on the verge of a new holocaust. But the one important message that I and believe most if not all of you have taken from World War II and the holocaust is that in order to prevent history from repeating itself, each of us must step forward and speak whenever and wherever "the evil virus" manifests itself, no matter how trivial the circumstance.

America is supposedly governed by the rule of law. Our most treasured asset is not gold, it is our Constitution. Article 14 says: 

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Yesterday I was incensed by the statements of the O-Team concerning the emerging Fraudclosure-gate. I read more about so called technicalities, the hope that the problem can be solved quickly and the paramount importance of continuing the foreclosure process for the health of our financial system.

That’s the "end", let us next consider the means.

Yesterday I read countless reports of all manner of forgery, back dating, documentary fabrication, notarial abuse and foreclosure storm trooping tactics. I even read about banks mistakenly evicting innocent homeowners who paid their debts years ago. What is going on here? I doubt these are the isolated incidents that the financial services industrial complex and Team O would have us believe.

Are these the "means" to be justified by the "ends"?

What disturbs me the most is that which I did not read yesterday.

I did not hear a loud, clear and bright line message.  One that cries from the heart of our beloved Republic:

Anyone who is denying any citizen of life, liberty or property without due process as mandated by the Constitution of the United States must desist immediately or suffer the full consequences of the rule of law. If it is impossible to do so without suspending all foreclosures proper as well as improper, then so be it.

Apparently the banks are worried about this. Under the advice of their lawyers they are unilaterally declaring foreclosure moratoriums. This is not out of the goodness of their hearts or their concern for for higher principles of justice. This is out of fear of two simple words: "lender liability". Those two simple words are enough to scare any steel nerved banker three weeks before Halloween. I would not expect any better from their ilk.

But our President, who is a constitutional scholar knows much better. If he truly loves our constitution as I am led to believe he does deep down inside, he must step forward now and say what needs to be said.

What he cannot do is allow the virus to remerge. He has to say loudly and unambiguously: This is America. In this country the ends can never ever justify the means…otherwise he just does not get it!

My father mentioned that one of the first things the Nazi state did was to expropriate the property of private citizens, primarily the jews. I pointed out that many of these loans are beneficially owned by the United States Treasury, to which he responded "point taken."

Here is the bottom line: It doesn’t matter how many low life condo flipping deadbeats are out there buying IPads with their mortgage payments, if the process constructed by the bankers cannot protect the rights of a a single innocent borrower, then that system must be dismantled and rebuilt from from the bottom up immediately.

Here it is Wall Street: The ends don’t justify the means boys!

Rather than repeating an of repeated quote by Winston Churchill, I will leave you with this image to consider…



And in the last analysis, success is what matters. — Adolf Hitler


Foreclosure fraud parody

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