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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Franz Kafka Would Be Proud: On America’s End Of Liberty

Franz Kafka Would Be Proud: On America’s End Of Liberty

Courtesy of Tyler Durden

"Americans today are constantly watching their speedometers and trying to conform to every little rule yet there are so many rules that it’s impossible for even the most honest and hard-working Americans not to be breaking some type of law on a daily basis. We are slaves in a criminal monetary system, where the Federal Reserve steals from the middle class through inflation and transfers this wealth to their banker friends on Wall Street. We are forced to accept pieces of paper of money while the US constitution defined only gold and silver as legal tender…We are now seeing countless signs on a daily basis that the US is headed for a complete societal collapse as we know it, forever."

The government is finally being exposed for being the most systematic abuser of those primal human weaknesses known to Franz Kafka over a hundred year ago: namely – riddle people with guilt, force them to obey countless rules and regulations, many of which are in stark disagreement with each other, keep them preoccupied with superficial lies, provide them with a marginal education, prevent them from thinking for themselves, allow the constant deflection of individual responsibility, provide a society of countless lawyers where any infarction, no matter how minor, serves as the basis for substantial wealth loss, all the while hiding behind a system of increasingly insolvent welfare, whose sole purpose is to validate the destruction of labor product savings, and the devaluation of money. At the center of this nearly 100 year successful wealth transfer plan is none other than the Federal Reserve: a private institution controlled by wealthiest, whose tentacles reach into the government, into the media, and into every classroom (especially those of brainwashed Ivy League students).

As Gerald Celente says, America has become a society where one is guilty until proven innocent. Is it any wonder that nobody respects the constitution any more? MERS fraud, financial collapse, unprecedented political corruption, and not one person found guilty or put in jail…How can one respect what America has become?

Just over two hundred years after America’s "independence", the country has reverted to a despotic state, at whose apex is the New Novus Ordo Seculorm, not that envisioned by the founding fathers, but its mutated, freakish descendant, which managed to survive Andrew Jackson’s victory over the Second Bank of the United States, and is now controlling everything through the secret and unauditable decisions made in the halls of the Marriner Eccles building, and a stock market which is driven exclusively by the order flow emanating from Liberty 33.

And even as America prepares for yet another theatrical farce of what Democracy has become in the form of the mid-term elections, whose outcome will have no bearing whatsoever on the future of this country, the far more important decision, that virtually no American has any control over, except for a few bankers and a few religious fundamentalists, is the Fed’s decision to decisively do away with the reserve currency, appropriately due on the very same day.

We suggest everyone watch the below clip documenting the end of US liberty, and its transition to a state that is everything that those who created America rebelled against.


h/t Robert

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