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New York
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Step Aside The Bernank Here Comes Timothy Jeethner: The Bears Explain Banker Bailouts And The Screwing Of The American People

Very clever video, in case you missed it previously at Zero Hedge, explaining the "sick joke" of the political-economic system in which we live. – Ilene

Courtesy of Tyler Durden

The same two bears who explained Quantitative Easing so that even the ADHD afflicted could understand Bernanke’s indirect subsidies to the PDs, once again simply finance and in 6 minutes explain the core issues behind the bank bailouts. Concepts explained include the Too Bigger To Fail banks (the JP Morgan Chase Bear Stearns Washington Mutual and the Bank of America Countrywide Merrill Lynches), Goldman Sachs’ HoldCo position over the US government, the "very real evil empire’s" Goldman Sachs profiting on the AIG, the reason why the failed CIT’s boss is the same person who bought a $70,000 desk, and why "when you constantly get the bailouts you don’t care about the shame." Also explained are NY Fed boss, The Timothy Jeethner, The Change brought from The President Obama, why The Ben Bernank will not lend you money, and The Screwing Of The American People.

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