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New York
Monday, June 17, 2024

“Le Snub” – New Cold War In Eurozone Confirmed: Sarkozy Gives Cameron The “Cold Shoulder”

Courtesy of ZeroHedge. View original post here.

Submitted by Tyler Durden.

Last night, when headlines hit that it was the UK’s "fault" for vetoing a joint dictatorial Fra-Ger "compromise" and in essence making the Eurozone summit a total failure (with a follow up summit scheduled for March), it became clear that a new cold war has broken out in Europe: between France (not so much Germany as Germany frankly does not want to bailout Europe if its has to pay for the bail out) and the UK. We now have official video confirmation that the latest conflict in Europe is between the countries just across the Chunnel. The video below of a diminutive Sarkozy giving David Cameron the proverbial cold shoulder (described in painful detail here) will achieve nothing but merely inflame further the animosity between the two countries: just what Europe can least afford right now.

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