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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The 10 Most Horrifying Fast Food Gimmicks of All Time

What have we got here? There's KFC's Double Down (calorie-wise, the "Double Up"); The McRib (the McPigParts, a restructured meat product shaped into ribs); Specialty Chicken (it's a pizza crust, no really); the Waffle Taco, because anything can be breakfast, or a taco; Dunkin Donut's Doughnut Bacon Sandwich; the Doritos Locos Taco (Taco Bell's most successful menu item of all time!); the 773-calorie Bacon Milkshake; the Bacon Sundae; the Drumstick Corsage (for prom night, strap one of these lovely things to your wrist to make you smell good); and the Hot Dog Stuffed Crust Pizza (available at Pizza Hut in the UK, thankfully not in the US).

The 10 Most Horrifying Fast Food Gimmicks of All Time

By Lindsay AbramsSalon

It was incredible, really, that no one ever thought to do it before: a chicken sandwich in which the bread is replaced with chicken. A “stunt food“? Sure. A “new low“? Almost definitely. It was all those things and more, which is why KFC managed to sell 10 million in about one month’s time when the Double Down first appeared in 2010.

Now it’s back, according to an “exclusive” from USA Today. Starting April 21, the Double Down is once again appearing for a limited run on KFC’s menus. And it’s in good — or, if you’d prefer, atrocious — company.

Despite the claims they occasionally make about striving for health, we all know fast food companies aren’t really looking for approval. Let’s face it, getting called out for their disgusting innovations is exactly the reaction they’re hoping for when they introduce a gimmick. Then, they’re hoping people try it, usually just “as a dare,” and they know plenty of people are going to like it.

But looked at as a whole, the very worst fast food has to offer is almost too much to handle:

The McRib

McDonald's iconic contribution to fast food gimmickry: a patty of pig parts molded into the shape of ribs and presented in the form of a sandwich. The only mystery more enticing than what, exactly, the McRib is made of is the eternal question of when and where it's going to reappear. This ugly photo of an (alleged) raw McRib may have ruined the magic for some, but for plenty of others, it only confirmed that they were getting a true fast food classic.

Specialty Chicken

KFC may have been the original visionary behind the idea of replacing bread with fried chicken, but Domino's proved that a disgusting idea can always be adapted. Its newest menu item: pizza with a crust made of chicken


The Waffle Taco

This spring, Taco Bell made the startling discovery that a waffle, folded in half, kind of looks like a taco shell, thus proving once and for all that anything can be breakfast if you want it enough.

Read the whole thing, and click on the links for extra laughs: The 10 Most Horrifying Fast Food Gimmicks of All Time | Alternet.

I thought this one was a joke, but I'm not so sure anymore. 

[Chicken corsage source


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