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New York
Friday, May 3, 2024

Comment by williex

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  1. williex

    RJ Jarboe
    Speaking of Republicans, Democrats and taxes.    Did you know that Kansas is a net collector of money from the federal gov’t ?  Kansas receives 1.12 for every dollar sent to the federal gov’t?  I have followed this tax data for over 15 years and have noticed a definite correlation.  15 to 5 years ago you could easily see that solid Repub states were net collectors of federal money collecting 1.20 for 1.00 sent and solid Dem states were net payors collecting .80 for 1.00 sent to the fed gov’t.  Filp flopping states were collecting between .80 and 1.20 for every 1.00 sent.   over the last 5 years the amount the republican states have been getting has been shrinking while the democratic states have stayed about the same.  Remember when contmplating this these are ratios based on an income stream where the main fluctuating number comes from the revenues from the democratic states. 
    I remember thinking that the Repubs and Dems are stupid because they argue for the exact thing that will hurt them.  If the Repubs get their way they will be getting a lot less money and the Dems are arguing to fund the majority of the moneys for the whole county.   Well it seems the Repubs are seeing the consequences as the moneies they get from the fed have been shrinking over the last 10 years and particularly fast in the last 5 years.  (Bush tax cuts followed by weak economy)
    The truly stupid thing is that the Repubs are arguing even harder for more budget cuts and less taxes that are only going to hurt their states more.   It would be funny in a fraternal way like "thank you sir may I have another" if it was a movie but this is real life with real suffering. 
    You’re right RJ, but it is Human nature, something is wrong and there must be someone or some thing to blame but it can’t be me.

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