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Sunday, June 16, 2024

“One Big Worldwide Bubble”: Cusp of 30-Year Bear Market in Stocks and Bonds

Courtesy of Mish.

In a Bloomberg TV interview, Milton Berg, founder and CEO of MB advisors says “We’re at the cusp of a 30-year bear market in stocks and bonds.”

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Milton Berg

Berg’s view is on a 30-year bear market is on a “real inflation-adjusted basis, not a nominal basis”.

The is the “most over-valued equity market in history, worldwide” …. not even a Mario Draghi “whatever it takes” action will help.

“It’s all one big worldwide bubble.”

I especially like Berg’s admission that he does not know how this ends.

“Either deflation is going to accelerate, which is most likely, or they [central banks] will turn to real inflation, real printing, rather than just credit inflation. Either way it’s disastrous.”

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