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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Is it Possible to Overhaul Cockroaches?

Courtesy of Mish.

A former top advisor to Ben Bernanke, and two other “Fed Up” activists have a plan to revise the Fed by bringing the Fed fully into the government and adding diversity.

I suggest their plan, shown below, is akin to suggesting one can make cockroaches behave.

Andrew Levin

Please consider Former Fed Staffer, Activists Detail Plan to Overhaul Central Bank.

Dartmouth College’s Andrew Levin, who was a top adviser to former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Jordan Haedtler of the left-leaning Center for Popular Democracy’s Fed Up campaign and the Economic Policy Institute’s Valerie Wilson say in a paper that their proposals amount to an important modernization of the Fed.

“The Fed’s structure is simply outdated, and that makes it harder for its decisions to serve the public,” Ms. Wilson said in a press call. “We are well aware we can’t create a dramatic shake-up” of the Fed, she said, explaining what she and her colleagues are calling for is “pragmatic and nonpartisan.”

The linchpin of the overhaul is bringing the 12 quasi-private regional Fed banks fully into government.

Mr. Levin and Fed Up have seen successes in their campaign to overhaul the central bank. Earlier this year, congressional Democrats and the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton endorsed their push to remove bankers from the boards overseeing the 12 regional Fed banks. Fed Up’s effort to promote diversity in a central bank that is still dominated largely by white males, not withstanding the current leadership of Chairwoman Janet Yellen, also has gained traction among Democrats.

A People’s Fed

Andrew Levin proposes a “People’s Fed“.

Problem of Control

Fed Up1

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