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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Abandoned Prostitution or Orwellian Misattribution?

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Courtesy of The Nattering Naybob

An excerpt from Hard Times and False Narratives – an excellent, interesting and informative missive reposted by Zerohedge from Jim Quinn at The Burning Platform.

"The mainstream media mouthpieces for the establishment peddle false narratives, disingenuous storylines, and outright propaganda to keep the ignorant masses confused, oblivious to reality, misinformed, and passively submissive to the opinions of highly paid “experts” and captured fiscal authorities. The existing social order likes things just as they are…. Rigging the stock market upward may benefit the .01% temporarily, but the games of financial manipulation have a limit – and we are approaching it. As a society we have relied upon debt, delusion and denial for far too long. We have chosen to be willfully ignorant regarding the truth of our predicament. Entire segments of society live under a blanket of lies and hate anyone revealing the truth. Some have begun to speak the truth and will be hated for doing so. A long hot summer of hate is upon us. And that’s the truth."


One small detail, I was ROFLMAO at the graphic above, which is used to promote the missive, quoting Orwell:

"The further a society drifts from Truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
Upon further review, two minutes of fact checking revealed Orwell neither penned nor uttered the phrase, DOH!!! which is properly attributed to Selwyn Duke. Further down that rabbit hole… an opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted and do note the date:

"To your request of my opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted, so as to be most useful, I should answer, "by restraining it to true facts and sound principles only." Yet I fear such a paper would find few subscribers. It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more completely deprive the nation of its benefits, than is done by its abandoned prostitution to falsehood. Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day. . . . I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false."  

– Thomas Jefferson – Letter to John Norvell (11 June 1807).

Moving West and along those lines, a friend commented: "maybe I am too cynical, yet I lament that too few people have any interest in so many things that effect their lives. I suspect that throughout history, it has always been that way, but in this day, information on any subject is readily available  …assuming you can read, but that gets me off on another tangent."

I mused, your not cynical or pessimistic, your a realist, closer to the truth.  I got your tangent, right here, replete with a dangling participle… 

"When times are tough and crisis left undecreed

Seeing through fault and polyannish idealism is societies need.

Neither a half blind pessimist nor optimist can fathom the deed

To decipher the braille of truth, thou must be a realist indeed." 

– Yours Truly

In addition,  "Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained." – Gandhi 

Further, "People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up." – George RR Martin – Clash of Kings

Remember, William S. Burrough's definition of paranoid: one who is in possession of all the facts.

Knowledge of the fact differs from knowledge of the reason for the fact. – Aristotle

Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification. Martin H. Fischer

The possession of facts is knowledge, the use of them is wisdom. – Thomas Jefferson

It is better to get wisdom than gold, and to choose understanding rather than silver! – Proverbs 16:16

At the end of the day we advise our friend, firm resolve, stiff upper lip, keep up the good work soldier, and this.

Going full circle with tongue in cheek, paranoia, knowledge, facts, simplification and wisdom, a chain of custody? Somewhere between optimism and pessimism lies realism; the MSM (main stream media) exhibiting a long term  "abandoned prostitution to falsehood"; and found within a rejoinder to said prostitution, an Orwellian mis-attribution… Oh the irony of it all.

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