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Monday, June 17, 2024

Mohnish Pabrai – Interview with ET NOW On Trump, Demonetization And Value Investing

By VW Staff. Originally published at ValueWalk.

I very much enjoyed this interview with Indian business news channel, ET NOW.

H/T Value Investing World

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Punita Kumar Sinha In Conversation With Mohnish Pabrai

I didn’t realize they’d print it as well!

Trump may be the very best thing that happened to the US and the world: Mohnish Pabrai, Investor & Philanthropist

Mohnish Pabrai
Mohnish Pabrai via Youtube

In a chat with Punita Kumar Sinha of ET Now,  Mohnish Pabrai, Investor & Philanthropist, says President-Elect Trump understands quite a bit about the way business and the economy works. He is definitely better than presidents who have never run a lemonade stand in their lives. Edited excerpts.

There is a view that President Trump is going to introduce a lot of stimulus into the economy, he is going to shut down immigration and that will be good for manufacturing in the US. But this could also be inflationary and there could be wage pressures. So yes while whether McDonalds serves for 12 hours or 24 hours is more important but then their costs might change by certain actions of the president. What is your take on what President Trump might do that will affect businesses in the US?

I was not much of a fan of candidate Trump, I am a bigger fan of president-elect Trump. This is a global phenomenon. We see that in India, we see that in the US. While he was a candidate he said he was going to get rid of Obamacare, now he is walking that back.

Though I did not vote for him, as I analyse the way info is unfolding, I believe Trump election may be the very best thing that happened to the US and the world. The reason I say that is because it is very likely that he is a one-term president, it is very likely that he is not going to seek another term when he is 74 years old and he is not in there for anything else other than legacy. We have had a number of presidents in the past in the US who have never run lemonade stands and I actually happen to believe that the experience one gets from running a lemonade stand can be quite useful in running a country.

Read the full article here: economictimes.indiatimes.com

And here is a shorter excerpt from the interview:



Via The Compounders

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