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Monday, June 17, 2024

White House Under Intense Pressure To Release ANY Evidence That Russia Got Trump Elected

By Sprott Money. Originally published at ValueWalk.

One strategy that the far left has run with since losing in a humiliating defeat to Donald Trump in the recent US elections is one that failed horribly in the election cycle and is continuing to fail horribly as we continue on.

Donald Trump Vladmir Putin
By DonkeyHotey (Vladimir Putin carrying his buddy Donald Trump) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

This strategy is, of course, the “blame everything on Russia” strategy. It was a common tactic that Hillary used to explain the criminal behavior of herself and her staff via the leaked Wikileaks emails that greatly damaged her chances of winning, as it confirmed much of the corruption people already suspected was ongoing behind the scenes.

The doubling down on this strategy by the “sore losers” and the mainstream media shows just how desperate they and their puppet masters within the global elites are to hold onto their fleeting power. They will go to any length they can in the creation of fake news to support these claims and are doing just this.

Yet, just as before, when this strategy flopped, it is doing so again. Facing mounting pressure, the White House, under the presidency of Obama, is being called on to release the evidence, ANY evidence that supports the claim that the Russians catapulted Donald Trump into the White House.

Time is running out, as Trump will take office on January 20th, 2017 and if action is going to be taken to stop him, then they must act NOW! I wouldn’t hold your breath.

This sad attempt is just another desperate measure that the far left is taking to smear the credibility of Donald Trump taking office. They will do everything they can to make this transition as ugly as possible, whining and screaming while they are dragged out of office, maybe not to take power again for another eight long years.

The explanation for why the evidence of Russian interference has not been released is simple: there isn’t any. Ignore the noise, focus on reality, time to get to work.

Article by Nathan McDonald, Sprott Money

The post White House Under Intense Pressure To Release ANY Evidence That Russia Got Trump Elected appeared first on ValueWalk.

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