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Monday, June 17, 2024

Bernie Sanders Leads the Popular Vote in Iowa; Wall Street-Friendly Bloomberg Has a Plan

Courtesy of Pam Martens

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” — Frédéric Bastiat, French Economist

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens

Illustration by Keith Seidel from Mike! Wall Street's Mayor by Neil Fabricant

Illustration by Keith Seidel from Mike! Wall Street’s Mayor by Neil Fabricant

The real breaking news headline out of the Iowa Caucuses that had to be doled out over multiple days in measured bites of data is that Senator Bernie Sanders, who has promised to stop Wall Street’s plunder of the nation’s wealth, is leading the popular vote in the state.

Despite mainstream media and cable news’ efforts to spin the long-delayed Iowa vote data as a big win for 38-year old Pete Buttigieg, whose name most Americans can’t spell or pronounce, the real too hot to handle news is that folks in the Heartland of America have rejected the centrist-establishment-Wall Street agenda of former Vice President Joe Biden and have warmly embraced Senator Bernie Sanders’ promised political revolution. Biden currently ranks a distant fourth in the vote tallies with 71.44 percent of the vote reported.

And there is likely to be more sobering news for Wall Street next Tuesday. According to the latest Boston Globe/WBZ-TV/Suffolk University poll of likely Democratic primary voters, Sanders has a 24 percent share of the upcoming New Hampshire primary vote while Biden and Buttigieg hold a distant 15 percent share. The New Hampshire primary is next Tuesday, February 11. Sanders is a well-known name in New Hampshire, having easily beat Hillary Clinton there four years ago.

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