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Top Tips For Improving Your Customer Support Protocol

By Anna Peel. Originally published at ValueWalk.

Wells Fargo & Co

Customer service is the heart of any business. While a great website and offerings can land you clients, the only way to retain them and grow as a company is to provide stellar support and service. Improving your support protocol will improve customer satisfaction while streamlining workflow. Read on to learn about how you can optimize your customers’ experience from the minute they make contact with your company; as you build your own policies and company principles, you will be able to build reliable and rewarding relationships with your consumers that improve your reputation.

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Start from the First Point of Contact

Someone who is interested in your business needs to immediately feel seen. They want solutions to their problems that feel honest and authentic rather than promotional and salesy. Your website should feature a full outline of all your company’s products framed in a narrative that centers around bringing them exactly what they need. Using procurement tools can help you manage your offerings by organizing and managing various elements of your business’s finances; some of the tools you can find in procurement software include budget tracking, vendor and contract management, purchase order history and billing automation.

Use the Right Help Desk Software

You can learn about features that help desk solutions typically offer, and make sure your current system is up to par. If you are not using any system, then you should immediately begin researching potential help desk software. These platforms do more than just make agents’ jobs easier; they streamline communication between technicians and customers while improving the level of customer support they receive available to them. An IT help desk software can also be easily integrated with other tools such as ticketing software, documentation management and asset monitoring. Whenever a problem arises, agents will be able to access customers’ accounts and view a full history and overview of their hardware, software and past contact with your company.

Follow Up and Request Feedback

When a problem is resolved, make sure that you reach customers through their preferred channel of communication to formally close the call. Thank them for choosing your company, and provide any additional resources that may help in the future. Follow-up emails are also a wonderful way to naturally ask for feedback through a simple survey; surveys not only show clients you value their opinion but also provide concrete feedback you can implement right away. Include both closed and open-ended questions; one of the best formats is three to five questions regarding satisfaction that customers can rate on scale followed by a suggestion box that allows them to type any additional comments.

Provide a Knowledge Base

Information should always be at your customers’ fingertips. A knowledge base can provide them with a variety of helpful articles, help guides and how-to posts that help them address any questions or problems they may have. Most IT help desk software allows you to install a knowledge base that can easily be accessed by customers from around the globe; this base can also be beneficial for agents to refer to whenever they are working on a request and require additional information.

The post Top Tips For Improving Your Customer Support Protocol appeared first on ValueWalk.

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