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New York
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Gold Fundamental Review

Courtesy of Read the Ticker.

gold-fundamental-reviewGold is simple, is goes up in value when paper goes down in value, the force which causes this fact is inflation.

Below we have USCPI YOY% change versus US 5 year interest rate, when the blue line is above the red interest rates are far too low and money is worth less as inflation is destroying it, even more so when the blue line is NOT CONTAINED and is rising (which is very good for gold).

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Gold vs interest rates

Events change things. Trump policies (tax break, big spending) are events. The very simple fundamental fact is inflation is moving from Wall Street to Main Street, and you can expect main street money to start to move (velocity of M2 see chart below) around which will great more inflation.

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Here is the same chart as above, but YOY% change. Breaking ZERO line very inflationary. Watch it!

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Sure fundamentals do matter, and so does market timing (entry, stops and exit), here at readtheticker.com we believe a combination of Gann Angles, Cycles and Wyckoff Logic is the best way to secure better timing than most, after all these methods have been used successful for 70+ years.

NOTE: readtheticker.com does allow users to load objects and text on charts, however some annotations are by a free third party image tool named Paint.net

Investing Quote…

..”Successful tape reading is a study of force. It requires the ability to judge which side has the greatest of pulling power and one must have the courage to go with that side”..

Richard D Wyckoff

..”It’s easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled”..

Mark Twain

..”The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule”

Warren Buffett

..”A market is the combined behavior of thousands of people responding to information, misinformation and whim”..

Kenneth Chang

Unless you can watch your stock holding decline by 50 per cent without becoming panic stricken, you should not be in the stock market.

Warren Buffett

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